Pierre Vermot

Pierre Vermot

email: [email protected]
phone: +420 +33631859454

I am young a postdoc in the Physics of Galaxies research group.

My expertise is on the study of galactic nuclei with high angular resolution techniques, namely optical interferometry, spectroscopy, and adaptive optics assisted imaging.

My PhD was dedicated to a multi-scale analysis NGC 1068, a prototypical AGN that was observed with all the above-mentioned.

Currently, I am working on a method to accurately characterize the stellar and ISM content of center of nearby galaxies to prepare hydrodynamical simulations of these regions. Based on Integral Field Scpectroscopy observations, I am simultaneously modelling the continuum of emission, absorption features, lines of sight velocities and dispersions of stellar disks orbiting galactic centers, allowing to determine the age and 3D mass distribution of stars in those regions.